鐭抽摥(鍓暀鎺?span lang="en-us">)
瀛﹀巻 |
鎵€鍦ㄥ鏍?/span> |
鎵€鍦ㄥ闄?/span> |
鏃堕棿 |
纭?/span> 鍗?/span> |
涓闄笂娴锋妧鏈墿鐞嗙爺绌舵墍 |
寰數瀛愬涓庡浐浣撶數瀛愬 |
2011.9-2015.6 |
纭曞崥 |
涓浗绉戞妧澶у |
鐢靛瓙绉戝涓庢妧鏈?/span> |
2010.9-2011.6 |
鏈 |
閮戝窞澶у |
搴旂敤鐗╃悊 |
2005.9-2009.6 |
浠庝簨鍏夌數纾佷紶鎰熷櫒銆佸厜閫氫俊鎶€鏈殑鐮旂┒宸ヤ綔銆傞€氳繃缁撴瀯璁捐銆佸叧閿伐鑹烘敾鍏炽€佽〃/鐣岄潰缂洪櫡鑳界骇寰琛ㄥ緛銆佸櫒浠舵祴璇曞垎鏋愪笌浠跨湡绛夋墜娈碉紝寮€灞曢珮鎬ц兘1-3寰背娉㈡ingaas鐭尝绾㈠鍏夌數鎺㈡祴鍣ㄧ殑鐮斿埗锛涢€氳繃鍏夊璁捐銆佺簿瀵嗙鎰熷簲鍗曞厓璁捐銆佺鍏辨尟淇″彿妫€娴嬬數璺紑鍙戠瓑鎵嬫锛屽紑灞曢珮鐏垫晱搴︽縺鍏夊厜娉靛師瀛愮鍔涗华鐨勭爺鍒讹紝绐佺牬灏忓瀷鍖栧拰浣庡姛鑰楀叧閿妧鏈互瀹炵幇宸ョ▼鍖栧簲鐢紱杩涜鍙鍏夐€氫俊鎶€鏈爺绌躲€傚湪銆?/span>infrared physics & technology銆嬨€併€婄孩澶栦笌姣背娉㈠鎶ャ€嬨€併€婄孩澶栦笌婵€鍏夊伐绋嬨€嬨€併€婁腑鍥界數瀛愮瀛︾爺绌堕櫌瀛︽姤銆嬬瓑鍥藉唴澶栧鏈湡鍒婁笂锛屽彂琛ㄨ鏂?/span>13浣欑瘒銆傜敵璇峰浗瀹朵笓鍒?/span>6椤癸紝鑾峰緱鍥藉涓撳埄5椤广€?/span>
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[2]鐭抽摥, 鐜嬬練, 绋嬫硴鍕嬬瓑. 鍩轰簬婵€鍏夊亸鎸皟鍒剁殑鍏ㄥ厜cs鍘熷瓙纾佸姏浠爺绌?/span>. 绾㈠涓庢縺鍏夊伐绋?/span>, 2018, 47(09): 181-184.
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